Dr Shefali Kadamband
Dr Kadambande began a career in Medicine in 1987 in Mumbai, India. She was awarded the Gold medal for the Diploma in Anaesthesia exam and has been an academic achiever throughout her career. She is a firm believer of a holistic patient centred approach to pain management and to that effect also offers medication management, and several ultrasound and x-ray guided injections, Acupuncture , neuromodulation etc. She was one of the first in Wales to be awarded the FFPMRCA by the Faculty of pain medicine and is currently practising as a Consultant at the teaching University hospital of Wales, Cardiff. She is also a member of the British pain society, Royal college of Anaesthetists and features on the specialist register of the GMC. Contact: Rebecca David (secretary)- 07846959440 farrant13@hotmail.co.uk
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