December 8, 2024
Triceps Repair Rehabilitation Guidelines

Triceps Repair Rehabilitation Guidelines
Triceps tendon ruptures result from trauma and may lead to deformity and significant weakness. Surgery reattaches the tendon to the ulna using bone anchors and sutures. Post-operative rehabilitation prioritizes protection, progressive range of motion (ROM), and gradual strengthening.
Rehabilitation Phases
Phase 1: 0–3 Days (Immediate Post-Op)
- Protect the repair:
- Use a hinged elbow brace locked at 0°–30° flexion for 6 weeks.
- Avoid active arm use for 3 days; rely on the unoperated arm for daily activities.
- Manage swelling:
- Apply ice and elevate the arm as appropriate.
- Maintain mobility of other joints:
- Perform scapular setting and neck, shoulder, wrist, and hand full ROM exercises as comfortable.
- Refer to physiotherapy outpatients within 2 weeks.
Phase 2: 3 Days–6 Weeks
- Gradually increase elbow ROM:
- Use the hinged elbow brace during rest and activities of daily living (ADLs).
- Out of brace:
- Perform active elbow flexion and passive gravity-assisted elbow extension within limits:
- Week 3: Limit to 70° flexion to extension as tolerated.
- Week 4: Limit to 90° flexion to extension as tolerated.
- Week 6: Progress to 100° flexion to extension as tolerated.
- Perform active elbow flexion and passive gravity-assisted elbow extension within limits:
- Begin active-assisted pronation and supination at the maximum flexion position.
- Continue shoulder, wrist, and hand ROM exercises.
- Avoid forceful movements or stretching.
- Brace must be worn during rest and ADLs.
Phase 3: 7–14 Weeks
- Wean off brace completely.
- Gradually return to light activities, avoiding heavy lifting or strenuous tasks.
- Restore full ROM:
- Introduce active elbow and forearm ROM exercises aiming for full ROM by 3 months.
- Begin passive stretching as comfortable.
- Gradually reintroduce strengthening:
- Start with sub-maximal isometrics for the triceps and shoulder muscles.
- Progress strengthening exercises based on comfort.
- Avoid bench, incline, or military press until 4 months post-op, starting with very light weights.
Phase 4: 3–9 Months
- Progress triceps and upper limb strengthening.
- Gradually resume sport-specific and strenuous activities as tolerated.
Contact Information
- Consultant Secretary: 07810356433
- Physiotherapy Contacts:
- Sulis Hospital: 01761 422388
- Circle Health Group Bath Clinic: 01225 838767
- St. Joseph: 01633 820321